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Workflow Examples

Sage CRM’s workflow feature is a toolkit that can be used to enforce best practices, and systemize your organization. Below are examples of how we have leveraged this feature set for other organizations.

It is important to convey that this isn’t a feature that you simply turn on and turn off, rather it is configured around the unique needs of your company. 


Workflow Examples with Sage CRM


Leveraging these features can be addictive. Once organizations start seeing the benefits of being more systematic and efficient, they typically find more and more ways to leverage Sage CRM.

Table of Contents

Opportunity Workflows

The expression opportunity within Sage CRM means different things to different people.  Sometimes there is only a single person that needs to update a deal but in other situations, a collection of different people are involved in any single deal.

Additionally, how far an opportunity is monitored is different.  Sometimes only to the point of winning the deal, and in other situations, the opportunity workflow controls the flow all the way through to fulfillment.

Basic Opportunity Workflow

In this example you will see:

  • Information messages
  • Conditions that enforce the user upload/attach specific document along the way
  • Emails that get sent out if/when conditions are met

Connecting different departments - with Conditions

In this example you will see:

  • The user has a choice when selecting which WF to use
  • Rules that display based on conditions such the ‘Type’ of opportunity and the department that the CRM user belongs to 
  • Conditions that enforce the user upload/attach specific document along the way

Case Workflows

The expression Case in Sage CRM can be interpreted in different ways.  For some organizations, this means Jobs or Tickets.  We work with a lot of companies that use Sage CRM to manage service jobs and the technicians involved in those jobs.  Cases can also be customer service issues or RMAs. It doesn’t really matter how you label this section of Sage CRM, the key take away is that you can use it to manage ‘non-opportunity’ activities that flow through your staff.  Please note that, in practice

Basic Case Workflow

This example is from our internal system.  We use cases to record the work we do with clients.  Some of these cases involve multiple people (Project Manager and one or more Technicians). 

In this example you will see:

  • Multiple Entry points (primary rules)
  • Info messages
  • An On Hold / Off Hold feature
  • A flow that takes the case from ‘Logged’ right through to ‘Confirmed’

Dashboards and Workflow

Workflow controls the progression of individual jobs, but connecting all jobs is the role of Sage CRM’s dashboarding feature.  Dashboards, when used effectively, reflect exactly what jobs the individual user (or department) should be aware of. 

This 90-second video illustrates how we communicate to users when their input is required by leveraging CRM’s dashboarding features. 

A user-specific dashboard should be the first screen that pop-ups when the user logs into Sage CRM.

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