Sage CRM is a very useful tool for businesses because it’s completely configurable and open-ended. Businesses can change it up however they want so it does exactly what they need it to. With all its capabilities, it’s not always obvious exactly what Sage CRM can do for you.
User Interface
On your dashboard, you can filter through all catalogued information to bring up exactly what you need. You can also add any tabs you need and eliminate any tabs you don’t need. These tabs can contain information regarding communications, contact info, and tasks, to name a few. With this option, you can reduce clutter to help with efficiency. Within tabs, you can add info as needed. Meaning, you can make certain fields required before something can be added into the database.
Will employees have to jump back into tasks in order for the process to move forward? You can set it up so Sage CRM notifies the employees whose input is needed. Let them know when they’re needed to keep things moving fluidly. Ultimately, businesses who use process automation will have more successful strategies.
Keeping your employees in the loop on tasks is important, but what’s just as important is making sure your customer knows how everything is going as well. Thankfully, with Sage CRM, you can set up a portal for those who don’t use it. Through this portal they can sign in to check up on how things are going and, if necessary, provide their own input and feedback to help your process.
Readily Extendible
Use Sage for more than profiling companies and clients by extending its software. Keep track of other important information such as events, equipment logs, or whatever is vital to the success of your company. For example, people commonly connect to accounting systems. One great feature stemming from this is the ability to have any orders processed and sent straight to your accounting department. This is another efficient way to handle certain processes within your business.
This is just a small view of what Sage CRM can do for your business. There’s a lot to discover with Sage, and we’d love to help you figure out what’s best for your company. Call us today with any questions – we’re happy to help!
Managing Sage CRM projects is the exclusive focus of DCAA. This singular focus over the past 12+ years gives us a unique and experienced perspective. We’re happy to help with any questions you may have. Contact us today!