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GUMU™ For Sage Release Notes

Version Impacted
Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Disturbance in Company Summary Panel
Category Admin
Area Company Summary

Resolved an issue where the company summary panel UI would become disturbed when a mandatory field lacked a value and the user clicked on the save button.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Link Server Configuration for Sage 100 Premium Edition
Category Admin
Area GUMU™ configuration

Modified the link server configuration process for Sage 100 Premium Edition to avoid manual changes.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Space in Billing and Shipping Address Fields
Category Admin
Area Order/Quote Summary Screen

Address fields (e.g., address1 or address2) on the order/quote summary screen no longer have unnecessary spaces when any of the address fields are empty.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature QLE Screen Error with "#" in Product Code
Category Admin
Area QLE Screen

Corrected an issue where the QLE screen would malfunction if the product code contained “#” character

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Sage 100 Panel Hidden on Navigation
Category Admin
Area Sage 100 Panel

Fixed an issue where the Sage 100 panel would get hidden when navigating from the order to the company summary screen using the company name hyperlink.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Incorrect Field Removal on Save Button Click
Category Admin
Area Sage CRM Side Configuration Screen

Resolved an issue where incorrect field values set against any field on the Sage CRM side configuration screen would remove other fields assigned values upon clicking the save button.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Synchronize Dropdown Behavior
Category Admin
Area Synchronize Dropdown

Implemented a fix where failure to synchronize one option (e.g., warehouse) in the synchronize dropdown would not halt the syncing of other values.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Change in Button Position on Sage CRM Side Configuration Screen
Category All
Area Sage CRM Side GUMU™ Configuration Screen

Adjusted the position of change and continue buttons on the Sage CRM side configuration screen for better usability

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Graph Field Display Issue on Company Summary Screen
Category Company Statistics
Area Company Summary Screen

Handled scenarios where the graph field on the company summary screen displayed incorrectly.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Find Inventory Screen Optimization
Category Inventory
Area Find Inventory Screen

Optimized the Find Inventory screen for improved performance and usability.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Tax Schedule SSA Field Search Capability
Category Promote Customer
Area Sage 100 Customer Tab

Enabled users to type values in the Tax Schedule SSA field on the Sage 100 Customer tab and search for the same.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Bulk Promote Order
Category Promote Order
Area Sales Order

Added ability to promote multiple order together into Sage 100 using Sdata

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature "All" Product Family Display on New Line Item Screen
Category Quotes/Orders
Area New Line Item Screen

Prevented the display of “All” product family on the new line item screen.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Proper Address Formatting on Order and Quote Screen
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Order and Quote Screen

Ensured that addresses are displayed in proper format (one below the other) on the order and quote screens.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Visibility of Credit Limit Exceeded Message on Order Screen
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Order Screen

Made the credit limit exceed message visible on the order screen.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Delayed Display of Associated Quote Field
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Order/Quote Screen

Rectified an issue where the associated quote field would not display immediately after converting a quote to an order; now displays without requiring a page refresh.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Real-Time Pricing Error with "+" Sign in Product Code
Category Quotes/Orders
Area QLE Screen

Corrected an issue where real-time pricing would not work properly if any product had a “+” sign in its code.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Issue Fix
Feature Proper Text Formatting in Credit History Tab
Category View ERP Data
Area Credit History Tab

Corrected the text format in the Credit History tab to ensure that only captions are bold, not the entire content.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Pagination Bar for Records with More Than 10 Line Items
Category View ERP Data
Area Order and Invoice GUMU™ Tabs

Added a pagination bar for records with more than 10 line items on the order and invoice GUMU tabs.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Addition of GUMU Tabs for Vendor Records
Category View ERP Data
Area Vendor Records in CRM

GUMU tabs have been added for vendor records in CRM, providing users with access to relevant ERP data and functionalities within the vendor context.

Version Impacted
Date 2023-12-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Custom Grids
Category View ERP Data
Area View ERP Data Tab

Added ability to create custom grid in Sage CRM using the Dynamic Grid Query Manager

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Display Active Users in Security Matrix
Category Admin
Area Security Matrix

Enhanced the security matrix to display only active Sage CRM users, providing administrators with visibility into user access rights and permissions.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Rolling 12-Month Period Data
Category Company Statistics
Area Company Summary - Statistical fields

We are now displaying a rolling 12-month period on the company summary statistical block, enabling users to view trends and patterns over time.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Hide Cost Fields on Find Inventory
Category Inventory
Area Find Inventory Screen

We have hid the cost fields on the Find Inventory screen to simplify the interface and focus on essential information

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Addition of Standard Price Field on New Line Item Screen
Category Quotes/Orders
Area New Line Item Screen

Added a standard price field on the new line item screen to facilitate pricing and quotation processes.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Issue Fix
Feature Commission Calculation Discrepancy between Sage 100 and CRM
Category Quotes/Orders
Area New Line Item Screen

Addressed an issue where the commission calculation setting in Sage 100 was not reflected accurately in CRM.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Kitting Functionality
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Product Management

Introduced kitting functionality to manage bundled product offerings efficiently through Sage CRM.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Display Available Quantity on QLE
Category Quotes/Orders
Area QLE Screen

Enhanced the QLE screen to display available quantity information for efficient inventory management.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Display Charge and Comment Item on QLE Screen
Category Quotes/Orders
Area QLE Screen

Modified the QLE screen to display charge and comment items for comprehensive product information.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature QLE Screen Enhancement
Category Quotes/Orders
Area QLE Screen

Enhanced the QLE screen with additional features or improvements to streamline product lookup and selection processes.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Inactive Customer
Category Reports/Dashboards
Area Customer Data Analysis

Implemented a report or feature to generate a list of customers who have not made any purchases in the last 24 months for targeted marketing or outreach efforts.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Compatibility of Node-Red Features with Static URL
Category Reports/Dashboards
Area Node-Red

Made Node-Red features compatible with static URLs for seamless integration and communication.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Product Family Charts Display Product Family Description Instead of Code
Category Reports/Dashboards
Area Product Family Charts on Dashboards

Updated product family charts to display product family descriptions instead of codes for improved clarity and understanding.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Sort Order by Date Columns in A/R Invoices and Sales Orders
Category View ERP Data
Area A/R Invoices and Sales Orders Screens

Implemented sort order functionality by date columns in A/R invoices and sales orders screens for better organization and analysis.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Display Sage 100 Customer Code on Company Header
Category View ERP Data
Area Company Header

Displayed the Sage 100 customer code prominently on the company header for quick reference and identification.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature Hyperlink to Sage 100 Order Detail within Order Inquiry
Category View ERP Data
Area Order Inquiry Screen

Added hyperlinks to Sage 100 order details within the Order Inquiry screen for seamless navigation and access to detailed information.

Version Impacted
Date 2022-09-12
Type Enhancement
Feature AP History under Vendor Record in Sage CRM
Category View ERP Data
Area Vendor Record in CRM

Added AP history section under the vendor record in CRM to provide comprehensive financial information.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature GUMU™ Setup Compatibility
Category All
Area GUMU™ Setup Process

Ensured compatibility of the GUMU™ setup with Sage CRM version 2021 R1.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature New Statistical Fields
Category Company Statistics
Area Company Summary Screen

1. We have added Below fields.
a. % change between YTD and LYTD field
b. % change between LYTD and LLYTD field
c. LLYTD field
d. # Invoices Outstanding
e. Total outstanding
The above fields data can be populated for the Customer with the help of Import Custom field Routine and Window Scheduler batch file.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature GUMU™ Fields Display Enhancement
Category Company Statistics
Area User Interface

The GUMU statistical fields are now presented on a distinct panel exclusively for Sage 100 Type “Customer” within the user interface. This modification enhances data organization and visibility by segregating statistical data related to customers from other types within the system.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Collapse of Sage 100 Integration Panel
Category Company Statistics
Area User Interface

The interface has been modified to collapse the Sage 100 integration panel by default, users still have the option to expand the Sage 100 integration panel when needed, providing flexibility and accessibility to the integrated functionality.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Implementation of Product Contain Search Functionality
Category Quotes/Orders
Area QLE Screen

Implemented product contain search functionality on the QLE screen, enhancing search capabilities and user experience.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Charts Addition on Company Dashboard Screen
Category Reports/Dashboards
Area Company Dashboard Screen

The Company Dashboard screen has been enhanced by incorporating charts, thereby facilitating improved data visualization and analysis at the individual customer level. These charts provide users with graphical representations of key metrics and performance indicators, enhancing their ability to gain insights and make informed decisions tailored to individual customer relationships.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Charts Inclusion on Sage CRM Standard Dashboard
Category Reports/Dashboards
Area Sage CRM Standard Dashboard

Charts have been incorporated into the Sage CRM standard Dashboard, enhancing the dashboard experience by introducing graphical representations of data.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature User Interface Modification for AR and Order Inquiries Screen
Category View ERP Data
Area AR and Order Inquiries Screen

The user interface of the AR and Order Inquiries screen has been modified to enhance usability and aesthetics. These modifications aim to improve the overall user experience by optimizing layout, design elements, and functionality to better meet the needs of users.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Charts Addition on Company Summary Screen
Category View ERP Data
Area Company Summary Screen

Implemented charts on the Company Summary screen to provide visual insights into company data.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature GUMU Tabs Consolidation
Category View ERP Data
Area User Interface

All GUMU tabs have been consolidated into a single tab labeled “View ERP Data,” streamlining navigation and providing users with centralized access to ERP-related information. This consolidation simplifies the user interface by reducing clutter and organizing related functionality into a cohesive and easily accessible location.

Version Impacted
Date 2021-09-03
Type Enhancement
Feature Caption Change on YTD Sales Detail Tab
Category View ERP Data
Area YTD Sales Detail Tab

Updated the caption from “LYTD Sales” to “Prior Year Sales” on the YTD Sales Detail tab for improved clarity and consistency.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Active/Inactive Filter Addition
Category Admin
Area Import Customer

Active/Inactive Filter in Import Customer Functionality. This feature introduces an Active/Inactive filter within the Import Customer functionality, enabling users to selectively import customer records from Sage 100 to Sage CRM based on their active or inactive status

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Default Company Setting Addition
Category All
Area GUMU™ configuration setting

This feature introduces the capability to set default company settings while configuring the GUMU™, allowing users to customize their experience and streamline workflow efficiency.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Currency Field Formatting
Category All
Area Various Screens

Currency Formatting for Improved Clarity and Readability

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Formatting and Alignment Adjustment
Category All
Area Various Screens

Formatting and alignment adjustments for improved visual presentation and usability.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Last Sales Order Addition
Category Company Statistics
Area Company Summary Tab

Addition of Last Sales Order to Company Summary Tab. This feature adds the Last Sales Order field to the Company Summary tab, providing users with quick access to essential information about the company’s most recent sales transaction.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Order/Quote Layout Adjustment
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Order/Quote Screens

Adjustment of the layout of Order/Quote screens for improved usability or functionality.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Quote Screen Integration
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Quote Screen

This feature involves integrating the Quote screen with relevant Order fields to improve consistency and functionality within the system. By referencing Order fields on the Quote screen, users can access and utilize pertinent information from existing orders, streamlining the quotation process and enhancing overall usability.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature GUMU Dashboard Changes
Category Reports/Dashboards
Area Dashboard

Introduced updates / enhancements to the GUMU Dashboard interface, aimed at improving user experience

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Ship Date Addition
Category View ERP Data
Area AR Inquiry/Order Inquiry

Addition of Ship Date to AR Inquiry/Order Inquiry List. This feature introduces the Ship Date field to the AR (Accounts Receivable) Inquiry and Order Inquiry lists, enhancing visibility into order fulfillment timelines and improving overall order management capabilities.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature GUMU Tabs Conversion
Category View ERP Data
Area GUMU Interface

This feature involved the conversion of pre-existing GUMU tabs to JQ DataTables, leveraging the capabilities of JQ DataTables to enhance performance and functionality within the system.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Order Salesperson Column Addition
Category View ERP Data
Area Order Inquiry Tab

Addition of Salesperson Column to Order Inquiry Tab. This feature introduces a new column specifically dedicated to displaying the order salesperson on the Order Inquiry tab. By adding this column, users gain visibility into the assigned salesperson for each order, facilitating effective order management and tracking of sales responsibilities.

Version Impacted
Date 2020-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Year-to-Date (YTD) Sales Details
Category View ERP Data
Area Sales Reporting

Addition of YTD Sales Details functionality

Version Impacted
Date 2019-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Salesperson Mapping
Category Admin
Area Sage 100 Customer Tab, Company Screen

Introduced the One-to-Many Salesperson Mapping Integration functionality. The feature enhances the user experience by implementing one-to-many salesperson mapping functionality within the system. When users navigate to the Sage 100 Customer tab, the system automatically loads the Accounts Receivable (AR) Division and Salesperson fields based on the Account Manager designated by the user on the Company screen.

Version Impacted
Date 2019-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Key Statistical Fields Enhancement
Category Company Statistics
Area Company Summary Screen

Key Statistical Fields such as Year-to-Date (YTD) Sales, Last Year-to-Date (LYTD) Sales, and Last Invoice Date is now integrated on Company Summary Screen, by incorporating these key fields on the Company Summary screen, users can quickly assess the company’s financial health, track sales performance, and monitor transaction history without navigating to separate reports or modules, provides a valuable insights into the company’s financial performance at a glance.

Version Impacted
Date 2019-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Credit History Lookup
Category Credit History Lookup
Area Company Summary Screen

Added Credit History Lookup on Company Summary Screen. This feature introduces a comprehensive credit history lookup functionality directly within the Company Summary screen. Users can access detailed information about the company’s credit history.

Version Impacted
Date 2019-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Credit Limit Message
Category Info Message
Area Company Summary Screen

Credit Limit Notification on Company Summary Screen. This feature enhances the Company Summary screen by introducing a notification regarding the credit limit. When users access the Company Summary screen, a message will be prominently displayed to alert them about the current status of the company’s credit limit.

Version Impacted
Date 2019-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Inventory Search
Category Inventory
Area Find Inventory Screen

Find Inventory Screen for Enhanced Inventory Search. We have introduced a dedicated “Find Inventory” screen within the system, enhancing the inventory search functionality for users. The Find Inventory screen provides a centralized and user-friendly interface for conducting comprehensive searches across the inventory database.

Version Impacted
Date 2019-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Sorting Enhancement
Category View ERP Data
Area YTD Sales Detail Tab

Added Sorting Functionality on YTD Sales Detail Tab. This feature introduces sorting functionality on the Year-to-Date (YTD) Sales Detail tab, enhancing the user experience and facilitating efficient data analysis

Version Impacted
Date 2018-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Reporting
Category Company Statistics
Area Sales Analysis

A new field named “YTD Sales” has been introduced on the Company Summary screen. This field provides an overview of the company’s sales performance for the current fiscal year. The data for this field is populated using the ‘Import Custom Field’ functionality. By incorporating YTD sales data onto the Company Summary screen, users can quickly access and analyze key sales for the selected Customer

Version Impacted
Date 2018-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature On-Premise GUMU License Management
Category Licensing
Area GUMU Integration

Previously, the management of the GUMU License required updates on the cloud development server. However, with this enhancement, the physical GUMU License can now be directly updated on the Sage CRM server upon renewal. This eliminated the need for updates on the cloud development server, thereby enhancing convenience and efficiency in license management.

Version Impacted
Date 2018-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Financial Management
Category Orders
Area Credit Limit Control

Introduced a checkbox labeled “Allow Credit Limit Exceed” on the Sage CRM Sales Order Header level. Enabling this checkbox allows users to promote orders into Sage 100 even if the Company’s credit limit is exceeded.

Version Impacted
Date 2018-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Integration Enhancement
Category Promote Order
Area Sage CRM and Sage 100 Integration

During the Promote Order process from Sage CRM to Sage 100, we have incorporated the Address Name field from both Sage CRM Billing and Sage CRM Shipping Addresses.

Version Impacted
Date 2018-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Sales Quoting
Category Quotes/Orders
Area Quote Management

Implemented Back Order functionality on Quotes by introducing the Order Type field.

Version Impacted
Date 2018-01-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Customer Management
Category View ERP Data
Area Customer Profile

Made the Credit Limit field editable and synchronized it with Sage 100 during the customer promotion process from Sage CRM to Sage 100.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Enhancement
Feature QLE Modification
Category QLE Screens
Area Quotes/Orders

“The QLE screens now provide better features related to sorting data and
Sage 100 product lookup.

Searching – we will be adding the ability to search for product code and product desc from the search and results will display all products that contains the searched keyword.

Ability to decide the number of products to be displayed at a time through Sage CRM translations.”

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Enhancement
Feature BOM
Category QLE Screens
Area Quotes/Orders

BOM functionality will now be included in the Standard GUMU™ product

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Comment Column in Order Inquiry
Category View ERP Data Tab
Area View ERP Data Tab

Added a Comment column in Order Inquiry detail pages

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Item History Lookup
Category Item History
Area View ERP Data

New feature allowing users to view any items (by Order Line Item) from the context of a customer OR globally.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Product Analysis
Category Item History
Area View ERP Data

New feature summarizes sales history by SKU. This can be viewed from the context of a customer OR globally.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Enhancement
Feature Check Credit
Category Credit
Area View ERP Data

Credit limit checking now displays from the company summary screen for customers regardless of whether or not we allow credit to be exceeded.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Issue Fix
Category Order and Quote Screen
Area Quotes/Orders

Address displayed as undefined when editing the shipping/billing address on new Sage CRM Quote screen.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Issue Fix
Category Order and Quote Screen
Area Quotes/Orders

Comment item sequence gets disturbed after deleting a line item

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Issue Fix
Category View ERP Data Tab
Area View ERP Data

Statistics panel gets disturbed after navigating to company summary after adding a new address.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Issue Fix
Category Order Screen
Area View ERP Data

Clicking on Sage 100 Order number from the Order list errors out.

Version Impacted
Date 2024-07-01
Type Issue Fix
Category Company Header
Area View ERP Data

Top Content on Company context gets disturbed after navigating to View ERP Data – Custom Grid

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