CRM dashboarding allows us to compile multiple sets of results or reports onto a single screen. In this article and video, we will guide you through a use case scenario of practical dashboards.
Here's Our Practical Guide to Sage CRM Dashboards:
Filtering Information
Sage CRM certainly makes it easy to filter for information, or for a user to see what cases or opportunities they are currently responsible for, but these individual screens have limitations. For instance, what if the salesperson is not currently responsible for progressing one of their deals? It could be with a different department or with management pending approval. Too often, we would require a combination of searches and reports to get the whole picture. And that’s not always practical.
Sage CRM Practical Dashboards
Sage CRM’s dashboarding features, however, allows us to compile multiple sets of results or reports onto a single screen. The data is broken up into what Sage refers to as ‘gadgets.’ While there are different styles of gadgets, typically they are reports. And not the visually stimulating type of report either. No, 95% of the time, the reports that we place into these gadgets are just lists.
For Example
In this particular system (watch video), an individual deal passes back and forth between sales, the art department, and accounting. So, while the salesperson will always be the salesperson, they may not still be the assigned user in Sage CRM. But on the salesperson dashboard, they can see all of the deals where they are the salesperson and where they are in the sales cycle. From here, the user can jump directly to the individual transactions.
Often, there are different dashboards by the department. And we define the dashboard as the very first screen a user sees when they initially bring up Sage CRM.
Dashboards can be jazzier with charts and graphs but, we do this more for marketing or management. For individual user dashboards, sets of lists are most practical.
Managing Sage CRM projects is the exclusive focus of DCAA. This singular focus over the past 12+ years gives us a unique and experienced perspective. We’re happy to help with any questions you may have. Contact us today!