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Planning for Sage CRM

In the video embedded below, we outline our approach to planning for and deploying a Sage CRM project. The video will also clarify the human resources your organization will need for your project to be successful.

Beyond actual users, here are a few things you will need:

  1. Delegates from your company to participate in the design process
  2. Define a point person to help with training and support issues
  3. And we require your IT team to prepare an environment and provide us with proper access to that environment. While your IT team will not be installing Sage CRM, they will need to (1) prepare the environment, (2) provide us with proper access, and (3) fulfill a couple of IT related tasks after Sage CRM has been installed.

Before we start on a Sage CRM project, we determine what your system will need to do and how you will use it.

Once we are all in agreement, we begin our design process. This is where we talk through and document the specific details of your system.  This involves weekly 1-hour meetings with members of the design team. After a few of these design meetings, we then begin configuring Sage CRM. There will always be overlap between designing and configuring. 

After your system has configured, we change our focus to go-live support and everything that this involves.  Often, we create user guides in preparation for go-live that spell out exactly how the system works and how it will be used. 

At the very bottom of this timeline graph, you see administrator level training. While the system will be easy to use, someone on your side should understand Sage CRM at a deeper level. So, throughout the entire project, we will be focusing our training efforts on developing your DEFINED POINT PERSON. Questions from users will funnel through this point person. 

Notice too that we went live ½ way through the project timeline.  After go-live, we will continue to tweak and adjust and provide follow through training and support. Additionally, as we start to accumulate data, we can move on to creating more reports and dashboards.

In a typical project, we are ready for go-live somewhere between 5 and 8 weeks with the entire project duration running between 60 to 120 days.

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