GUMU salesforce to Sage #1 on salesforce’s App Exchange

Greytrix’s GUMU™ salesforce to Sage integration is now the top ranked integration on salesforce’s App Exchange with a 4.98 rating and over 50 reviews. Key reasons why are outlined below. 

  • Better Design,
  • Flexibility,
  • Price,
  • Service
Better Design

The GUMU™ brings key Sage accounting data into salesforce (Order and Invoice details) so that it can be used within salesforce’s native reporting features (See image below). If I am a salesperson using salesforce – this is exactly what I want!


This integration is priced per user and is independent of the number of Sage accounting companies (databases). Check out our pricing calculator. 

Salesforce users do not require a license for the Sage accounting system.


Most all companies that have an integrated system want to make changes to it – to empower users even more. The GUMU™ framework allows us to easily modify the system. Maybe you have custom fields in Sage accounting that you need in salesforce, or maybe your team is asking for specific reports (image above). These types of changes are easily accommodated with the GUMU™. 

Service & Support

The salesforce support team at Greytrix are first in class.


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We have a ticketing system and cl You don’t get a 4.98 rating by dropping the ball. 

types of changes are easily accommodated with the GUMU™. 

GUMU™ Sage 100 CRM User Experience

Greytrix’s flagship integration to accounting is the GUMU™ Sage 100 CRM integration.

Without question, this is the most robust and feature rich integrated CRM available within the Sage community – and of course for Sage 100 customers. This integration has prompted many Sage 100 partners to urge their clients to take a closer look at Sage CRM. The 3-minute video below walks you through the user experience and will give you a clear understanding of the solution.

All information about the GUMU™ Sage 100 CRM integration is found on the Sage 100 page of the website, but you or your clients are also welcome to schedule a demo for a personalized walk-through.